Image of Temple Island and the rowing course
Image of Temple Island and the rowing course
Remenham Parish
Remenham Parish


Welcome to the Remenham Parish Website. Please scroll down on this page to see events, information and dates for Remenham. We strive to make this is as full and up to date as we can; so please keep sending content in to us at the email address below.


As always, all views expressed are not our own and we refer you to the website policies tab. We do not endorse or promote organisations or businesses included. Please let us know of any concerns you may have. We reserve the right to exclude anything which we may consider inappropriate. We hope you enjoy the site.


To contact us, see below:

General enquiries:

Church enquiries, including weddings:

Parish hall enquiries:

Remenham Parish Hall/Remenham Parish Church,

Remenham Lane, Remenham, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 3DD

Remenham News

The newsletter for July-August 2024 is now available

The latest copy of the Newsletter for July & August is now available on the Newsletter and archive page of the site. It can be viewed via the viewer or downloaded as you wish. To go directly to the page please click on this line - thank you.

Parish Council Meetings

The next RPC meeting will be on the


 Monday September 9th, 2024

at 6pm for RPC 


The Parish Hall

Emergency Information - Defibrillators

Emergency Information

In emergencies defibrillators can soon be found at the following Remenham & Aston locations:
Hambleden Lock
Opposite Temple Island
Remenham Parish Hall
The Flower Pot, Aston
The Leander Club
Upper Thames Rowing Club

Remenham Parish Council Oct 2023


More than 35,000 black wheeled rubbish bins have now been delivered to homes across Wokingham Borough.


The rollout, which is over halfway through and set to finish by the end of July, is part of the council’s upcoming waste collection changes. These will take effect from Monday, 12 August onwards, and residents are urged to ensure they’re ready before then.


Residents should ensure they have enough free green recycling bags, as recycling will be collected every two weeks as part of the new service.


Food waste collections will remain weekly and can also help to leave more space in the new rubbish bins. Rubbish will be emptied fortnightly, on weeks when recycling isn’t collected.


Free green recycling bags, food waste bins and indoor food caddies can be collected from hubs around the borough or from the council’s new recycling engagement team.


Pleased to meet you


The recycling team have been working hard since they hit the streets in February, visiting homes door to door to help people recycle as much as possible.


They've also visited 18 local schools, giving assemblies to almost 5,000 pupils, and supermarkets, libraries, churches, older peoples' housing, community centres and more.


The team met the borough’s growing Hong Kong community at Wokingham town's Lunar New Year celebrations and organised children's activities for this summer’s Great Big Green Week.


As well as giving out free green recycling bags and food bins, they’ve been giving out leaflets to help everyone recycle more of their waste correctly.


On track for a smooth changeover


Steve Brown, the council’s assistant director for environment and safety, said: “It’s been a busy few months but the team have enjoyed meeting so many different people and helping them get ready.


“We know change can seem daunting, but we’ve been able to show that recycling soon becomes second nature and we’re here to help. When everyone makes those small changes, it all adds up to a big impact.


“We’re also really pleased with how the wheeled bin deliveries have gone. Our delivery contractor Jett and supplier IPL are working tirelessly to get up to 1,000 bins on doorsteps every day and we’re thankful for all their help.


“It’s taken a lot of work to reach this point, but we’re almost ready for the service change – and we promise our residents that we’ll keep sharing updates as soon as they’re available.”


Changes just around the corner


Residents shouldn’t put rubbish out in their wheeled bin yet, as it won’t be collected, but should keep using their remaining blue rubbish bags for now.


The council will only empty one 180-litre rubbish bin from 12 August, with the bin lid shut and no additional waste, but there’ll be no limit on how much recycling can be put out.


However, residents should wash and squash their recycling where they can, to make best use of space in their green bags. Anyone not already using a food bin is encouraged to do so, as this would significantly improve the borough’s recycling rate.


The borough recycles about 55 per cent of all it throws away, which puts it in the top areas nationally, but this would be 70 per cent if every resident recycled all they could – which would make Wokingham the UK’s number one recycler.


More news coming soon


Everyone will keep their usual waste collection day after the change, but some homes will start with a rubbish collection in the week of 12 August while others will start with a recycling collection.


More details will be posted to every household soon, along with a weekly collection calendar, and residents will be able to look up their collection weeks on the council’s website.


The council’s optional garden waste service is not affected by these changes.


ENDS - Please email the council’s communications, engagement and marketing team at for further information

Common concerns about our Local Plan Update

Thames Valley Police Alerts

Please see link to the Thames Valley Alert Community Messaging System: All residents are able to register for email alerts but we will try to put details of relevant alerts on the Remenham website as they are received by the Website team. The Police twitter address is @tvp_wokingham.

To go directly to the alerts page on the site please click here.

Website banner and Temple Island view by kind permission of Tony Hart

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River Webcam




Sunday 21 July

11.15am sung Matins (BCP) with hymns


Sunday 28 July

11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) with hymns

Rectory Office – 01491 577340


We continue to hold a service every Sunday at 11.15am (details above).  The church is open daily from 9.30am to 4.00pm for private prayer.  

Rubbish & Recycling

Please click on the graphic above for the latest information - thank you

Traffic & Travel

Please click on the graphic above for the latest information on traffic and travel from Wokingham Borough Council - thank you



In emergencies defibrillators can soon be found at the following:
Remenham & Aston
Hambleden Lock
Opposite Temple Island
Remenham Parish Hall
The Flower Pot, Aston
The Leander Club
Upper Thames Rowing Club
Remenham Parish Council Oct


Website Statistics

June 2024

2,485 unique visitors

3,658 pages viewed


Total for 2023

20, 171 unique visitors

40,930 pages viewed


Total for 2022

20,083 unique visitors

41,369 pages viewed


Total for  2021

17,193 unique visitors

40,926 pages viewed


Total for 2020

22,524 unique visitors

71,707 pages viewed


Total for 2019

23,107 unique visitors

67,374 pages viewed


Total for 2018

12,954 unique visitors 

48,218 pages viewed


Total for 2017

11,363 unique visitors 

35,942 pages viewed


Total for 2016 

10,546 unique visitors

30,430 pages viewed

Remenham Footpath Maps

To contact the website

please email:

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© Remenham Parish