Image of Temple Island and the rowing course
Image of Temple Island and the rowing course
Remenham Parish
Remenham Parish

Remenham Traffic Information and Cumulative Impact Assessment

Westcotec speed signs installed on the A4130 in 2023. Also traffic census generated data will be available soon.

May 2024 RPC assessment of CIA in Remenh[...]
Microsoft Word document [21.0 KB]
RPC CIA Mar-Oct 2024 Report 2 April 2024[...]
Microsoft Word document [19.5 KB]
Mar-Oct 2024 Remenham Profile for assess[...]
Microsoft Word document [15.1 KB]
Traffic Census on A4130 November 2023.pp[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [914.0 KB]
Traffic density on RCL in the summer of [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [910.6 KB]
RCL Traffic data during hRR and HF in 20[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]
Traffic Data for RCL before-during-after HRR in 2022 & 2023
Traffic Data for RCL before-during-after[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
speed and composition of traffic near th[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [969.7 KB]
speed and composition of traffic at the [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [274.8 KB]
Traffic in RCL during and after HRR 2022[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [404.4 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.8 MB]
RPC Traffic Census (1).pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [2.5 MB]
Microsoft Word document [123.7 KB]
Remenham Traffic Census 3 on 17th-22nd J[...]
Microsoft Word document [414.0 KB]

River Webcam




Sunday 21 July

11.15am sung Matins (BCP) with hymns


Sunday 28 July

11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) with hymns

Rectory Office – 01491 577340


We continue to hold a service every Sunday at 11.15am (details above).  The church is open daily from 9.30am to 4.00pm for private prayer.  

Rubbish & Recycling

Please click on the graphic above for the latest information - thank you

Traffic & Travel

Please click on the graphic above for the latest information on traffic and travel from Wokingham Borough Council - thank you



In emergencies defibrillators can soon be found at the following:
Remenham & Aston
Hambleden Lock
Opposite Temple Island
Remenham Parish Hall
The Flower Pot, Aston
The Leander Club
Upper Thames Rowing Club
Remenham Parish Council Oct


Website Statistics

June 2024

2,485 unique visitors

3,658 pages viewed


Total for 2023

20, 171 unique visitors

40,930 pages viewed


Total for 2022

20,083 unique visitors

41,369 pages viewed


Total for  2021

17,193 unique visitors

40,926 pages viewed


Total for 2020

22,524 unique visitors

71,707 pages viewed


Total for 2019

23,107 unique visitors

67,374 pages viewed


Total for 2018

12,954 unique visitors 

48,218 pages viewed


Total for 2017

11,363 unique visitors 

35,942 pages viewed


Total for 2016 

10,546 unique visitors

30,430 pages viewed

Remenham Footpath Maps

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© Remenham Parish